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Does Airbnb Work in Lake Tekapo? Top 5 Reasons Why It’s a Great Choice

Does Airbnb Work in Lake Tekapo? Top 5 Reasons Why It’s a Great Choice

Lake Tekapo, located in New Zealand’s picturesque South Island, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, starry night skies, and tranquil atmosphere. For property owners and investors wondering if Airbnb is a viable option here, the answer is a definite yes! In partnership with Ohana Property Management, you can leverage Airbnb to make the most of your property. Here are the top five reasons why Airbnb works exceptionally well in Lake Tekapo.

1. High Demand for Short-Term Rentals

Lake Tekapo is one of New Zealand’s most popular tourist destinations, drawing visitors from all over the world throughout the year. Its turquoise lake, the famous Church of the Good Shepherd, and its status as a UNESCO Dark Sky Reserve make it a perfect spot for a short-term getaway. Because of this consistent influx of tourists, Airbnb properties in Lake Tekapo typically see high occupancy rates, particularly during peak travel seasons. Listing your property on Airbnb allows you to tap into this steady stream of visitors, creating a reliable income source.

2. Desire for Unique and Authentic Stays

Modern travellers are increasingly seeking unique and memorable experiences that go beyond the standard hotel stay. In Lake Tekapo, this demand is met by charming holiday homes, cabins with stunning views, and properties close to popular stargazing spots. By listing your property on Airbnb, you cater to this growing trend of travellers looking for authentic local experiences. Properties that offer distinctive features or are well-positioned within the landscape can become highly sought after, enhancing both guest satisfaction and profitability.

3. Flexible Pricing for Better Returns

Unlike traditional long-term rentals, Airbnb allows property owners to adjust their prices according to demand, seasonality, and special events. This flexibility means you can increase prices during busy periods, such as school holidays or local festivals, to maximise your revenue. Conversely, you can also adjust prices to attract more bookings during quieter times. With the right pricing strategy, Lake Tekapo property owners can make the most of their investment, ensuring it remains profitable year-round. Partnering with a professional management service like Ohana Property Management helps optimise this pricing flexibility for the best returns.

4. Contribution to the Local Economy

Listing a property on Airbnb not only benefits you as an owner but also positively impacts the local economy. Guests staying in Airbnb properties are more likely to spend money at nearby attractions, restaurants, shops, and activities, thereby supporting local businesses and fostering economic growth. This more dispersed tourism model can help to avoid overcrowding in popular tourist spots, promoting sustainable tourism and creating a more balanced economic environment for the region.

5. Professional Management Enhances Guest Experience

Managing an Airbnb property requires time and effort, particularly in a high-demand location like Lake Tekapo. This is where expert management services, such as those offered by Ohana Property Management, become invaluable. Professional managers handle everything from guest communications and bookings to cleaning and property maintenance, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both hosts and guests. By using a trusted management service, you can relax and enjoy the benefits of your short-term rental without being bogged down by the day-to-day operations.


In summary, Airbnb is a highly effective option in Lake Tekapo due to the region’s high tourist demand, appeal for unique stays, flexible pricing opportunities, and the broader economic benefits it brings. With the added advantage of professional management, property owners can maximise their rental income while providing exceptional experiences for their guests. If you own a property in Lake Tekapo, now is the time to consider the benefits of Airbnb and explore how services like Ohana Property Management can help you succeed.

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